Home education tips
Starting home education? Here's some homeschooling advice.
Excuse me for using the term 'homeschooling' there - it helps the Google algorithms! Read why using the term 'home education in the UK matters.
Don’t buy or subscribe to anything until you have found your feet.
Don’t panic buy all the stuff, even if it is discounted or a bargain! Borrow, look in charity shops, sign up for free trials. Just enjoy getting to know your child’s interests. The amount of resources that we haven’t even touched is ridiculous. Go with the flow at first, and discover what works for you. We have listed lots of online resources, many of them are free.
Don’t compare your children with others.
Learn their strengths and what they’re interested in learning about, focus on that and go from there. Don’t get too overwhelmed (difficult at times) or feel like your children are falling ‘behind’. We all learn at a different pace and learning never stops. Don’t compare it with school style curriculum learning, it’s completely different.
Don’t feel you have to justify yourself to other people.
People will ask you questions, especially about socialisation (sigh). Have a few ready to go responses and then move on. Don’t waste time and energy trying to convince other people of your decision and life choices. Question if these people genuinely matter to you before you offer any information. Don't listen to negative people. There is more than one way to educate, and you know your child best.
Plan some down time.
It's tempting to fill every single day with activities, but home ed is 24/7. You don't need to do ALL the things from 9am to 3pm. It's incredible how much they learn through things you do together like board games, watching a documentary, doing the food shop, and household chores. An ‘uneventful’ day is full of educational things and life skills. Enjoy spending time together and plan to have some days off, you will need them for your sanity!
Join local home ed groups & activities.
Join local and online home education communities to share experiences, resources, and gain support. Find your local HE groups for meet ups and home ed activities, Facebook is useful for finding these. At first go to lots of things until you’ve found your tribe or activities your child enjoys (though I know this can be hard work). Chat with seasoned home edders, it's reassuring at the start of your home ed journey, and they always have words of wisdom.
Create a cosy learning space.
If you can (it doesn’t need to look like those slick Instagram posts), create a dedicated learning area for focus and creativity. A space in your home for educational activities can help distinguish between study and leisure time, though in our home, home ed is all over the house! Space is tight for us - we have a corner in the living room with the PC and use the dining table for most other tasks.
Flexibility is key – every child learns differently.
There isn't one way to home educate - and it's different for every family, adapting over time as needed for your child. There is much to be learned from daily life and play, and you can try many different styles and approaches. One of the most significant advantages of home education is its flexibility. If something isn't working, change it. If a particular topic fascinates your child, delve deeper. The home education journey is as unique as each child, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach.
Celebrate wins, big or small.
Acknowledge and celebrate milestones, even little ones, to boost their confidence and enthusiasm. Ice-cream, plushies, and minecoins for Minecraft work well in our house!
Make hay while the sun shines.
Take advantage of days during term time. Visiting places when everyone else is at school; quiet, no queues, easy to park, cheaper off peak prices etc. hurrah! If it’s a gorgeous day (whatever that may be, sun or snow), the ‘learny’ stuff you’d planned can wait - go out and enjoy it. I recommend investing in good outdoor clothing for all weathers, waterproofs are an essential here in rainy Dartmoor! I keep a selection of things in the boot of my car: wellies, flip flops, rain trousers and raincoat, picnic blanket, camping stools, umbrella, sun hat, sun cream, warm gloves and beanie hat, first aid kit, snacks, wipes… Like a spy's 'go bag' for families!
Listen to your children.
At the beginning, it's daunting and you feel the need to set boundaries, but relax and listen. By educating at home you discover how talented your children are and how they can follow their chosen paths. Home ed allows them to become the individuals they want to be, it’s their education and life, guide them and facilitate. I’ve learnt and experienced so much alongside my own children that would never have occurred if they were in school.
A lot of things will not get finished.
Lower your expectations. Yes I’d love all our workbooks or projects to be finished, but move on, you waste precious time dragging things out trying to get them completed.
Utilise diverse resources.
There are countless resources, from online courses and educational apps to local museums and libraries (do get a library card). Have art supplies, stationary, pens, paper and craft materials. You'll often find many great educational books and materials in charity shops. Tailor your resources to your child's interests and needs; don't be afraid to think outside the box.
Know the law around HE.
Know your rights. Research the legal requirements for home education with your LA (local authority), your local home ed Facebook groups are useful for this. In the UK, parents must ensure their child receives a ‘suitable education’, but there is considerable freedom in how this is delivered. The Educational Freedom website also has great information.
There will be wobbles.
Those ‘I can’t do this!’ or burnt out days. Everyone has them, whether your children are in school or not. Trust yourself and your children. Some of the best advice I was given was that it's almost impossible for a child to not be learning something. Learning happens everywhere in all types of situations. You may have to juggle work commitments, family, and finances, which can be stressful. We all have wobbles as parents and days when we worry if we've made the right choice - I had older children who went to school - and I still had all those worries.